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The Increasing Need to Address Customer Affordability

May 29, 2012

Stacey Isaac Berahzer is a Senior Project Director for the Environmental Finance Center at the University of North Carolina, and works from a satellite office in Georgia. Water prices are rising faster than any other utility service nationally. Of course, there … Read more

Declining Water Consumption, Part Two: The Big Picture

May 25, 2012

Guest author Peiffer Brandt is Chief Operating Officer at Raftelis Financial Consultants. There is little doubt in the industry that per capita water consumption in the United States is declining. Many water utilities have faced financial challenges due to this … Read more

Declining Residential Water Use, Part One: North Carolina

May 24, 2012

Shadi Eskaf is a Senior Project Director for the Environmental Finance Center at the University of North Carolina. Imagine yourself to be the C.E.O. of a company that produces a high quality product. That product doesn’t really face competition from … Read more