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New Challenges Lead to New Stormwater Utility Models

November 29, 2012

Jeff Hughes is the Director of the Environmental Finance Center. Remember the good ‘ole days when a billion dollar price tag for addressing a local environmental problem was relatively rare?  Those days appear to be gone and much to the … Read more

Don’t Chicken Out on Financial Policies

November 20, 2012

Stacey Isaac Berahzer is a Senior Project Director for the Environmental Finance Center at the University of North Carolina, and works from a satellite office in Georgia. We recently facilitated the first “Peer2Peer Exchange” where utility officials from ten of … Read more

The Role of Rates in Ratings

November 8, 2012

Mary Tiger is the Chief Operating Officer of the Environmental Finance Center. Christine Boyle was a Post-Doctorate Fellow of the Environmental Finance Center. Thanks also to the direction and analysis provided by Jeff Hughes and Dayne Batten. Rising costs, declining … Read more