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More on Reserve Funds: How Much Is Too Much?

February 22, 2013

Sarah Royster is a graduate student with the UNC School of Public Health pursuing a Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering.  She works as a Research Assistant with the Environmental Finance Center. Restrictions on reserve funds vary greatly from utility to … Read more

Revolving Credit – All Grown Up

February 20, 2013

Jen Weiss is a Finance Analyst at the Environmental Finance Center.  Quick … what do you think of when you hear the word “revolving?”  A revolving door?  A revolving restaurant?  Perhaps a revolving credit card? In the environmental finance world, … Read more

Right-sizing Reserve Funds

February 12, 2013

Jeff Hughes is the Director of the Environmental Finance Center. “How much should our utility maintain in reserves?”  This is one of the most common questions I get from utility managers during my finance courses. It is also one of … Read more

EPA Managerial Capacity Guidebook: A Review

February 7, 2013

Caroline Simpson is a graduate student with the UNC School of Information and Library Science and works as a Research Assistant with the Environmental Finance Center. Utility managers may find new perspectives on water system managerial capacity in an unfamiliar … Read more