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The Blue Economy: Linking Water to Economic Revitalization

February 25, 2016

Over the last several decades, the economy of North Carolina has undergone major transitions. Once home to thriving tobacco, furniture, and textile industries, we’re seeing more and more emphasis on high tech solutions to modern problems. We’re now a state … Read more

Managing Water Impacts of NC Food Processing

February 23, 2016

by Harmony Bouley In the wake of the declining textile, tobacco, and furniture industries, North Carolina’s agricultural sector has remained robust. North Carolina’s agricultural sector, which has production levels that have historically ranked among the top ten agricultural states nationally, … Read more

Why (and How) one North Carolina School is Going Solar

February 19, 2016

As a society, we expect a lot from our schools. In addition to teaching basic skills, we hope our educational institutions will prepare students to be 21st century leaders. Part of preparing future leaders includes teaching students about environmental topics … Read more

Key Financial Indicators for Water Systems: Revenue Stability

February 8, 2016

“Are our water utility’s rates right?” This is an often difficult question that arises at our  workshops and webinars for small water systems, through our direct technical assistance, and which many of our readers may be interested in. While there is no … Read more