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Public vs Private: A National Overview of Water Systems

October 19, 2016

The dynamic between public and private systems has always been interesting, especially in the case of water and wastewater systems. Public water systems are usually non-profit entities managed by local or state governments, for which rates are set by a … Read more

Fun Facts about Water System Rate Structures

October 12, 2016

The Environmental Finance Center currently produces statewide water and wastewater rates dashboards for 12 states across the US. We collect a lot of data on water system finance and management to build these dashboards, and those data can tell interesting stories about … Read more

How Much Do Households Pay for Utilities, Fuels, and Public Services?

October 7, 2016

Every year, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes data on household expenditures, income, and demographics collected through the Consumer Expenditure Survey. This nationally-representative survey reveals, among other things, how much households are spending on electricity, water and … Read more