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Supporting Decentralized Users Guidebook

April 17, 2024

In the summer of 2022, the UNC EFC began a research project regarding decentralized users (those on private wells and septic systems) in North Carolina, supported by funding from the NC Collaboratory. This research was a new venture for the … Read more

Low-Stress Solutions for High-Strength Wastewater

March 20, 2024

By Amanda Peele, Project Analyst, UNC Environmental Finance Center Where does water go when it spirals down the drain? Whether from a home, a local brewery, or the car wash down the street, it likely ends up in a public … Read more

Paying for Watershed Management in the Beaver Lake Watershed

December 3, 2021

This report introduces a revenueshed for Beaver Lake Watershed. A revenueshed is a geographic area in which revenue is generated for an environmental service, in this case watershed management. To use the Beaver Lake Revenueshed Tool, click here. This report … Read more

A Tale of Two Cities: Paying for Multifamily Recycling

March 18, 2019

Municipal governments use a number of different strategies to pay for public recycling services. These approaches can differ in who is expected to pay, the amount that is paid, and the means in which the payment system is carried out. … Read more

Working Toward a Green School Partnership

March 8, 2019

On February 8, 2019, over sixty leaders and stakeholders from around North Carolina and the Triangle assembled to work towards facilitating a partnership for green schools in Wake County at the Green Schools Symposium. This event, hosted by the Environmental … Read more

Moving Forward with Multifamily Recycling

December 7, 2018

Lily Schwartz is a fellow in the 2018 Leaders in Environment and Finance (LEAF) program. As part of the LEAF Fellowship, Lily spent the summer of 2018 working as a technical assistance intern for The Recycling Partnership, a nonprofit organization … Read more