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EFC developed a tool for the Division of Water Infrastructure in support of the Viable Utility Program. The Viable Utility Program includes a master plan to help utilities throughout North Carolina become viable.

This tool demonstrates which utilities were marked as distressed and eligible for Viable Utilities Reserve Funding or not distressed as of September 27, 2022. This tool summarizes utilities’ financial performance in comparison to other utilities of similar size and lets utilities evaluate their own financial performance over the 5-year period 2017-2021. Utilities can explore their own progress over that time period. Utilities can use the information in the tool to develop plans to improve financial performance.


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The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill believes everyone in our community deserves equal access to information. Viable Utility Tool is available to provide data to make decisions for public policy. We are committed to creating an inclusive digital experience. If you are unable to access this information, please contact the Environmental Finance Center for more options.


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