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This page is a resource for utilities seeking to learn about and receive guidance regarding federal funding for coronavirus aid, including funds for bill payment assistance and infrastructure projects. It is not comprehensive and will be updated only occasionally, but many of the resources outside the EFC are updated regularly.  


EFC resources 

Information on the North Carolina Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) September 20, 2021

Updates for Multiple Federal Coronavirus Relief Programs, August 12, 2021

Fact Sheet for Funding Made Available for Water and Wastewater Bill Payment Assistance and Utilities in Federal Coronavirus Relief Programs, August 12, 2021 

Water Bill Payment Assistance in Multiple Federal Coronavirus Relief Programs, February 22, 2021 

Fact Sheet for Funding Made Available for Water Bill Payment Assistance in Federal Coronavirus Relief Programs, February 19, 2021 

Using Local Fiscal Recovery Funds for Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Infrastructure Projects, September 28, 2021

Other national resources:  


Department of the Treasury Website 

Department of the Treasury  FAQ 

Department of the Treasury Interim Rule 

Department of the Treasury Fact Sheet 

National League of Cities Page 

Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) ARPA Summary 




Office of Community Services LIHWAP page 



Department of Treasury ERA page 

GFOA’s summary of ERA1 and ERA2 



Department of Treasury Assistance for State, Local, and Tribal Governments


North Carolina Resources:  

North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP)

North Carolina Pandemic Recovery Office (NCPRO, which is responsible for distributing ARPA funds to non-entitlement units)  

North Carolina League of Municipalities ARP page 

School of Government ARP webpage  

Public notice of North Carolina’s LIHWAP model plan from the Department of Health and Human Services 

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