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Building Blocks For Regional Resilience: Land Of Sky Region

PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Land of Sky Regional Council (LOSRC) is working with local and state partners, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, to identify regional strategies to reduce risk to residential and commercial properties, government and critical facilities and transportation … Read more

Financial Recovery From COVID-19 For Small Water Systems In California

One of a series of trainings conducted by the Environmental Finance Center Network for the Smart Management for Small Water Systems project. Download the presentation slides (PDF) The pandemic has caused financial and managerial implications for water systems all across California.  Due to … Read more

2020 CIFA SRF Workshop Online Edition

Part of the 2020 CIFA SRF Workshop Online Edition. This session focuses on how COVID-19 has affected utilities. Learn how utilities are managing the challenges caused by coronavirus and the subsequent shut-down of the economy. Learn how utilities in one … Read more

California Pilot Small Water System Rates Financial Dashboard

This webinar will provide the public in California an opportunity to learn about and provide feedback on the brand new pilot California Small Water Systems Rates Dashboard.  The dashboard was created for the State of California using July 2020 rates. … Read more